By chris on 2/22/2013

Bon Bini means ‘welcome’ in the lyrical language of Papiamento on Aruba – which is where I am this week. I am here to discover for myself why this small island has the highest repeat visitation of any destination in the Caribbean. And I get my first clue as I set foot on the island and my Passport is stamped ‘Welcome to Aruba’. 
By chris on 12/18/2010
Tucked away in the southern most arc of the Caribbean islands, Grenada is a perfect little gem of an island: lush, scenic and friendly. As ever, I was there for the radio shows, but I had time to see the island, experience some of the island’s renowned diving and settle into the slower pace of island life. 
By chris on 12/30/2009
There is an inverse relationship in travel between the ease of travelling to a place and the unspoilt nature of that place. And by ‘unspoilt’, I mean the degree to which the destination remains true to its own culture and not homogenized into "AnywhereVille". 
By chris on 1/20/2008
  A white latticed balcony at coconut level in the pre-dawn hush of an early tropical morning…The earlier chorus of tree frogs has quietened to an occasional chirrup – the only sounds are the rustlings of the palm fronds a few feet seaward of the balcony and the gentle chuckle of the waves teasing the beach. 
