Top 10 Wild Places

Chris’ personal picks from places in the world that he has visited.

Canadian Arctic: Larger than Western Europe, this land of islands and waterways is full of Northern Wonders from glacier and fjord to whales and native culture that remains close to the land.

Lake Titicaca – Bolivia: In the Andes is South America’s largest lake and the world’s highest navigable lake at 12,500ft. The intense blue contrasts with the browns of the surrounding hillsides and shimmering white snows on the distant 20,000ft peaks.

Mongolia: This huge country, locked between China and Russia, is the least populated nation in the world. Mountains, desert and vast steppes are on a breathtaking scale.

Hindu Kush – Afghanistan: Unbroken and unrelenting grandeur of arid mountain ranges, bright green valleys and the startlingly blue lakes of Band-e Amir- these remain indelible in my memory

Safari - East Africa: To watch the mass migration of 1.5 million Wildebeest across the Serengeti Plains is to experience a primeval thrill like no other, Safari and see!

Tasmania - Australia: This island state is a world apart. Its weird and wonderful wildlife includes the Tasmanian Devil and Fairy Penguins in an ecological wonderland.

Uluru (Ayers Rock) - Australia: Mystical and other-worldly, this huge sandstone monolith rises over 1000 ft from the surrounding flat plain. It’s iconic, sacred to the Aboriginal peoples and positively ethereal at sunset.

Pantanal - South Brazil: The largest wetlands in the world, this is a far better place to see wildlife than Amazonia to the north. It’s wild, it’s little known and it’s exotic.

Nepal: Trekking amongst the highest peaks in the world, from lush foothills to sweeping glaciers. If you love mountains, you will love Nepal.

Borneo: The third largest island in the world has lush jungle, deserted, beaches and mountain trekking to 4000m. It’s also the best place to view Orangutan apes.