Top 10 Adventures

Chris’ personal picks from places in the world that he has visited.

Climbing Kilimanjaro, Tanzania: Watching dawn break over the plains from Africa’s highest point makes the exertions of the week-long trek fully worthwhile. Go quickly as the snows of Kilimanjaro are melting…

Climbing Kinabalu, Borneo:  From dripping jungle you ascend through mysterious cloud forest to bare rock faces and Alpine tundra to the highest peak of S.E. Asia – experiencing almost every terrestrial eco-system.

Climbing Nevado de Colima, Mexico: A few hours drive from the lazy Pacific beach resorts of central Mexico, you can climb this dormant volcano in a day to stand in the snow watching the twin peak of not-so-dormant Volcan de Colima belching sulphurous smoke.

HeliHiking, Kluane National Park, Yukon, Canada: Rising vertically from the stunning blue waters of Kluane Lake, swooping amidst the glacial stacks of Canada’s longest glacier and a momentary touch down on a rocky peak………the curtain opener to a thrilling hike down via a close encounter with a grizzly bear!

Black Water Rafting, Waitomo, New Zealand: Combine caving, wetsuits, large rubber rings and underground rivers and you have an absurd adventure called black water rafting, in which you float in inflatable tubes down an underground stream in total darkness, illuminated only by glow worms up in the cavern roof.

Ice Canyons, Canmore, Alberta, Canada: In summer these canyons are inaccessible glacial torrents, but in winter you can ice walk into the depths, even more memorable by the light of a full moon and flashlight.

Bungee, Sky Tower, Auckland, New Zealand: The perfect antidote to jet-lag – right after the long Toronto to Auckland flight I stepped off the edge of New Zealand’s Sky Tower, the Southern Hemisphere’s tallest tower. So clad in harness and hope I experienced the world’s highest bungee jump and my biggest adrenalin rush.

Walking Safari, Sabi Sabi, South Africa: Favourite of my many safari experiences: walking through the game-laden African bush of one of South Africa’s premier private game reserves, trusting our native guides to keep us safe, yet in close contact with the animals – truly magnificent!

Trekking, Himalayas: There is nothing like hiking in the Himalayas to put you in your place! My trek through the Helambu region of Nepal without guide or tent was perhaps my most foolhardy, memorable and rewarding of my adventure travels – save for the one below…

Travelling with small children: Travels around the world with our two boys has been richly rewarding for all of us. Now teenagers, they have travelled to over 40 countries and every trip has been its own adventure!

