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Ethiopia - rock hewn churches, Lalibela
Ethiopia - rock hewn churches, Lalibela
Ethiopia - vendor selling ingera bread
Ethiopia - vendor selling handicrafts
Ethiopia - Queen of Sheba's palace, Axum
Ethiopia - celing paintiing, Debre Berhan Selassie church
Ethiopia - church worshipper
Ethiopia - church worshippers
Ethiopia - fisherman at dawn, Lake Tana
Ethiopia - Hippo on Lake Tana, source of the Blue Nile
Ethiopia - Gelada Baboons, Simien Mountains
Ethiopia - Gelada Baboons, Simien Mountains
Ethiopia - Simien Mountains
Ethiopia - Hamer tribespeople
Ethiopia - Hamer tribespeople
Ethiopia - winnowing teff grain
Ethiopia - local market Bahir Dar
Ethiopia - Tomb of Emporer Haile Selassie
Ethiopia - Holy Trinity Church, Addis Ababa
Ethiopia - Gondar, Camelot of Africa
Ethiopia - ancient stylae at Axum
Ethiopia - Dorze tribespeople
Ethiopia - Dorze village weaving
Ethiopia - monastery wall paintings, Zege Peninsula
Ethiopia - early hominid remains of Lucy
Ethiopia - Garden of Coffee, Addis Ababa
Ethiopia - Hippo on Lake Chamo
Ethiopia - Konso village
Ethiopia – Land of Origins
Saturday July 01, 2017
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