News that has caught Chris' eye in the Travel World

Clarification of Privacy Rights crossing the US Border (25 January, 2018)

Can US Border Guards examine your phone and your laptop computer? Until now, travellers’ rights in this area have not been clearly understood. In fact, it has been a specific concern of us media folk who often travel to the US with confidential material on our laptops, including journalist sources.

Well…thanks to Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy, we now know where we stand and can act accordingly.

Earlier this month the Senator took advantage of a US Senate hearing to quiz Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen about the details of a new policy issued earlier this month that allows customs agents to examine the cellphones of travellers at the border. 

The Secretary of Homeland Security provided details about the policy. Searches of phones at the border increased nearly 60 percent from 2016. Still just a tiny proportion of all travellers…but that doesn’t help if you are one of them.  

Worryingly, agents can demand a passcode to open your phone without probable cause, connect a phone to a hard drive and copy its contents for analysis… although this requires the approval of a supervisor. If they can't access a device, officers can detain it for a multi-day period.

There are limits however. Confiscations of devices beyond five days must be approved by management. Agents can't just start downloading old files from the cloud; indeed, they can't use the phone to access anything that might be stored remotely. And proprietary business information, and journalists' notes must be handled in accordance with existing US law.

So here’s the advice - before crossing the border, delete private material or transfer it to the cloud; at the border, turn on airplane mode and be prepared - unless you have some really compelling privacy reason - to just turn over your phone if asked. This is the new reality with US travel. 

Exodus names unknown treasures (18 January, 2018)

As tourism increases to global natural travel icons, travellers are seeking out lesser known, but just as stunning destinations to escape the crowds. Reaching these natural wonders can be even more rewarding due to their remote locations and the tranquil setting with no one else around. Exodus, a well-known adventure tour operator, has come up with the following suggestions for impressive, but lesser known sights around the world.

Amboró National Park in Bolivia – It’s one of the most botanically rich and wildlife abundant national parks in the world.

Valley of the Moon in Chile – With an incredible range of colour and texture that feels like another planet.

Kravica Waterfalls in Bosnia – Hidden among one of Europe’s last wilderness areas in the Balkans on the Trebižat River is a series of waterfalls that take your breath away.

The Burren area in Ireland – Found along the Wild Atlantic Way, the Burren is home to 75% of all the wild flowers in Ireland and an awe-inspiring karst landscape of cliffs, caves, rock formations and stunning lakes. I will be taking some Travel Show listeners here on a trip with Go Ahead Tours that you can hear about next month on the show.

Kwang Si Falls in Laos – The Kuang Si Falls is a three-tier waterfall near Luang Prabang in northern Laos that is as close as it gets to the perfect tropical waterfall of your imagination. I swam in these falls on my trip to Southeast Asia last year and it was divine! 

2018 Predictions from Exodus Travel (6 January, 2018)

Adventure travel pioneers Exodus Travels have issued their predictions of this year’s top travel trends that are inspiring travelling Zoomers to explore the world in new ways. Here are some of their 2018 crystal ball gazes…

Dietary Restrictions are No Longer Travel Restrictions - As dietary restrictions increase, limited culinary options while travelling around the globe are decreasing. Those who are Celiac no longer have to stress over having to find gluten-free pizza in Sicily and Vegans can rest easy knowing they’ll be able to find plenty of delicious options on the streets of Hoi An.

The Rise of the Responsible Traveller - Following another year of rising temperatures and extreme weather, travellers have become more aware of their environmental impact and are more conscientious of the footprints they leave behind. They’re showing their respect for our planet by seeking out reputable tours that give back to the local communities and support low impact tourism.

“Fit-Cations” are the Next Active Adventure - A ‘Fit-Cation’ is perfect for active travellers who crave a challenge to burn calories and push their limits, while still enjoying breathtaking scenery and very different cultures. Destination Marathons are a good example.

Year of The Female Traveller - Following the #MeToo Movement, more women are seeking empowering experiences and safe spaces to connect with other like-minded travellers and actively make a difference in the world. 2018 will be the year of the female traveler, and the demand for women-only tours is growing. 

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