Nov 10

Written by: chris
11/10/2008  RssIcon

Saguenay Fjord


The scenic highlight of this cruise was the stunning, glacier carved gash in the earth's crust, known as the Saguenay Fjord. Imposing mountainsides plunge into huge depths on either side. Belugas glide by, mists wrap around vertical forests where eagles perch high above you....... and the kayaking is unforgettable. As was the week aboard the Caledonia. My thanks to Canadian Sailing expeditions for this unique experience.



The picture perfect town of Tadoussac is perched where the Saguenay Fjord meets the broad St Lawrence. Whale watching is wonderful here. I encountered Beluga, Minke, and Finback. Other highlights: biking, hiking and sand dunes on a grand scale - all so accessible from our base on the Caledonia. And after exploring on shore .... back on board for a fabulous meal featuring local produce and cuisine.

The Tall Ship Caledonia


The Caledonia is a magnificent vessel, especially when the sails are up. The crew are Canadian and besides being skilled sailors, they are also genial mentors to passengers who wish to participate in sailing the ship and even climbing the rigging.....

In Summer you can sail on the Caledonia on several Canadian itineraries in Quebec and Atlantic Canada. In the winter Caledonia heads south to island hop around the Caribbean.

Canadian Sailing Expeditions


This trip on the biggest tall ship in Canada started amidst the excitement of Quebec's 400th anniversary celebrations. Fellow passengers were an affable mixture of Canadians and Americans, sailors and land lubbers..... One of the most pleasant aspects of small ship cruising is the opportunity to mix with like minded travelers and form bonds with your fellow passengers.

Tags: Quebec

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